Thursday, December 31, 2009


Did Christmas really just come and go?!? I swear it still has not hit me that Christmas was here...yet alone that we are almost into a new DECADE!! INSANE! December brought many tears for many different reasons and as happy as I am to say hello 2010, I am still somewhat sad and hesistant to say goodbye 2009. As you know from my previous post, I FINALLY graduated!!! It felt AMAZING to have my family and close friends around me that entire week...something I constantly wish would happen more! With graduating, came packing, cleaning, and moving. As much as it stinks to be 22 and living with mom and dad, I feel as though I have adjusted well, and they are FINALLY treating me like an Adult! HAHA...for now at least! I decided to just list somethings that I did this month, as well as things that have happened in my life! Enjoy!!!

*Got my first flu shot (did you know they do a nasal spray thing instead of a shot?!?)
* Found adult footie pj's and almost bought them...till I realized they were over 2o bucks!!

* Made my first snowman (much harder than you think)

* Made snow angels for the 2nd time in my life
* Went to an after dark bachelorette party (hehehe)

* Officially said goodbye Idaho Hello California (4 years=way too long!!!)

* Welcomed another "niece"...Camilla Elise Terry

* Graduated college with the EXACT same GPA as high school!

* Thanks to dental work, found out what its like to have a paralyzed body part
* Got a new car thanks to mommy and daddy

* Became an adult by getting a REAL job with my degree

* Cried over the big things my family has gone through
* Cried over the little things (ie no turkey meat HAHA)

* Decided I dont need New Year Resolutions

* Worked things out with Ryan...3rd times the charm...RIGHT????

* Realized what FAMILY really means

* Cried when I saw my dad sitting in the stands at my graduation...just a month earlier, they said he wouldnt be alive

* Put major highlights in my hair

* Decided to get bangs after not having them for literally 13 years!!!

* Realized home is where the heart is...and my heart is in California!!!

* Cried when I found out the seriousness of my sisters drama right now

* Celebrated Milo's first birthday

* Laughed so hard I peed my pants on Christmas day thanks to family

* Made the BEST gingerbread house so far

* And finally, realized that even though my life isnt perfect, and I often think things arent fair, my life is pretty amazing and in the end, I wouldnt trade it for the world!!!

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