Friday, January 23, 2009


This past weekend was such a CRAZY hetic time, that I hardly got any time to really think and realize my "little" sister is getting married! When it finally dawned on me, I started to bawl like a baby. So much time and energy went into her wedding that now that its over, I dont know what to do!!! It was a crazy year of wedding planning and an even crazier week but in the end it looked beautiful and so did she! We had people sleeping all over my house; I think we ended up with about 17 people in my house but it lead to some amazing times! I LOVE emmy and Anthony so much...he has already been a member of the family for a long time, and now its official! I LOVE the fact that I have a normal brother now!!! Well normal if you consider a 30 year old who is more like a 10 year old!!

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