Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So me and my best friend Tara decided we REALLY wanted to go camping, however, we couldnt find enough people to get together to go on an actual camping trip, so we did the next best thing...we camped in the backyard! I never realized how HORRIBLE I was at putting up tents...or building a fire...or really anything outdoors! HA...I really do love camping, but I could seriously do without the dirt and the bugs! Good thing we were just outside so I still had a bathroom and shower! Me and some Idaho friends are planning a real camping trip this summer so I am super excited about it!!! Camping is just so fun!!

Back to School...

Time just seems to fly when you are having fun! It seems like just the other day I was packing up my room and headed back home and now I am left unpacking that same room I thought I just left! The best thing about Idaho this year is...ITS MY LAST YEAR!!! I cannot wait to walk across the stage and grab that diploma and keep on walking!!! Classes started Monday and I am already so stressed! There is so much to do in so little time!!! I also have been seriously thinking about what I am going to do come December and have a few options in mind. I am currently looking into teaching overseas...possibly Japan...for 6 months then coming back and working on my California teaching credentials. If I dont teach overseas, I would just go straight back into school for the credentials and then hope I could find a job in the next school year. I dont know how well that would work with the current California budget mess but its another possibility! I have FOR SURE decided that after about 2-3 years of teaching, I am going to start night classes to gain a Masters in Special Education! I was so excited that I finalized that plan!!! YAY!!! And I also know that I am going to start the adoption process when I am 28 so hopefully I will have a little baby by the time I am 29-30!!! YAY!! HA...I have so many things that I WANT to do and that I HOPE I can do, but for now, 240 more days till I graduate!!! :)