Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day

Simply put, holidays suck now. Half the reason they suck is because no one in my family gets along. Everyone is full of the fake it till you make it gene, and this TOTALLY comes out at holidays. I am not going to say that I don't fake it at times, because I do. I mean, really, is sitting around at the dinner table during a holiday the best time to start drama and calling people out?!? I dunno, maybe it is because really, when is everyone going to be together again? Anyway, the other reason they suck, is of course, because I am missing the one person who NEVER put up with the drama. I was finally home from college for a Thanksgiving and they are NOTHING how I remember them being. This year, I had to split the celebration amongest 2 families, mine and Shaun's. I was very uneasy with the idea of spending time away from my family during the holidays, especially this year, but I knew that I needed to compromise and be share to Shaun, after all, HE is my family. We joined my family for a movie, which was Tangled (Seriously I hated the was WAY too long and just really not my style) and after the movie, I went and visited with pops. I couldn't even stand to be at his grave because it was just too hard for me. I nicely put my flowers, said a little prayer/talked to him like I always do, and walked away before I totally lost it. When I walked back to the car, I couldn't even look at Shaun because I was going to fall to pieces. He is seriously, amazing for putting up with me. He is the BEST person to go to for comfort and he will actually listen and cry with me. I love him! After visiting dad, we headed to Shauns house and had a GREAT dinner! His family totally does the food differently than mine, but their turkey was so good! Shaun mentioned something like they wrap it with bacon or something...I dunno but dang it was good! I secretly wanted more but I didn't wanna look like the fat girl! ;) I took a nap upstairs after dinner while Shaun enjoyed his family time. It was his sister Jenny's birthday, so Shaun, Jenny, and I went to a club after dinner and after my nap! It was an...INTERESTING experience to say the least and VERY different than what I would EVER do with my family. The whole time, I tried to be a trooper, I kept a smile on my face, (At least I think I did) and I made it through, even though the whole time I just wanted to cry and be with my family...but not the family they are now, the family there were a year ago, because THOSE are the people I love and miss. Anyway, we TRIED to wait in line at Target, but A it was FREEZING and B drama happened so we just went back to his house. I gave out my assignments to some of my siblings to pick up the couple items I needed from black friday and I was happy they got them! All in all, looking back, I had a good Thanksgiving. It was hard to get through the day, it was hard not seeing dad, but I know it would have been a lot harder had I been sitting at the table looking at his empty chair. I don't know how I am going to get through Christmas this minute at a time I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I don't know where I have been, but I've missed your last few posts and I didn't know you were engaged! CONGRATULATIONS! Such a cute idea by Shaun to propose in SF. I love that place. Good luck with everything!
