Wednesday, April 13, 2011


day 25- what I would find in your bag

Why do women tend to have a bit of EVERYTHING in their purse?!? Lincoln is not even born yet and my purse carries a little of everything! Sadly, I just cleaned it out Monday before we went to a Nuts game and it is already a mess. Let's see what Mr Coach is holding today...
* Pens (4)
*WIC stuff
* Baseball Tickets
*Movie Ticket Stubs
* Grocery List
* Dinner Recipe
* Kleenex
*Saltine Crackers
* Gum
*Lip Gloss
*Hand Sanitizer
    Seriously if I don't have it in my purse then you will not have a need for it...and like I said, I JUST got it cleaned out..haha gotta love my COACH! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a LOT of crap in your purse!! How much does it weigh?!?!
