Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Holidays!!! HAHA...its officially after Halloween so now I can say that right?!? Well even if people say no, I am gonna say it anyway! My graduation countdown continues and now it is at 46 days!!! I am so excited for my entire family to be in Idaho for the big day! It will be a blast for sure! :) This past month was full of fun times, sad times, surprise times, and really hard times, but the good news is each trial made me a stronger person! My dad had to have a quadruple bypass on the 23rd of October so Manda and I packed up the boys and ourselves in 30 minutes and headed home to California! I got pulled over for going 20 over the speed limit, and worked my magic to get out of it! Manda got pulled over about an hour later for going 6 over and still got out of the ticket! The police LOVED us that night for some reason! It was a LONG drive home, but luckily the boys were great and slept the entire time because it was the middle of the night. It was nice to be home with my family and lend my support--even though my dad was not happy we were all around because he was in so much pain and in tears the whole time. Psycho and I started to talk again after 5 years and in fact, I believe I can now call him Garrett again! Its sad and kinda twisted how such huge events occur to change some peoples hearts. I was able to go to a pumpkin patch with all the grandkids to keep our minds busy one day after the surgery and it was really hot but really fun. October also brought about a lovely trip to Utah that went south BAD!!! We were so excited to have a fun time but it ended up being horrible...for me at least! We got in a 4 car pile up, my leg is in horrible pain as is my left arm and head, but no major damage to anyone, we went to the Michael Jackson movie which was a lot of fun, we went to a Black and White party which was a joke, and Ryan flipped out on me more times than NOT! But in the end, it was nice to be around friends and away from the stresses of school. October was a very long month although looking back now, it seems as though the time just keeps flying! I cant believe Thanksgiving break is in 18 days and then school is over forever for me in less than 2 months! CRAZY!!! I just hope the rest of the time in Idaho is filled with some great memories...good or bad, one thing is for sure, they are all life changing memories!!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad that your dad is doing better! you got out of 2 tickets! what the heck i swear me and brian never get out of them! and are you serious you got in a 4 car pile up, did you go to the hospital? i can't believe you are graduating i'm so jealous i have 3 more years and you should stay anyway and hang out with your favorite hilary haha
