Saturday, November 14, 2009


You know those days when everything seems to just go wrong?!? Well welcome to my world! Only its not just a day that seems to go wrong, its been an entire month! Ever since my dads open heart surgery, things have just gone from bad to worse in my life!!! I am at the breaking point! I keep telling people I am being tested in EVERYWAY possible because its my last semester and they (evil forces out there in this world haha) are trying to get me to drop out! Little do they know I am way too stubborn to just give in! But let me just inform you on some of the DRAMA in my life!

*Dad has open heart surgery (originally triple bypass, turned into quadruple)

* I decide to get sick...still sick and dont worry its been 3 1/2 weeks

* A certain family member has some SERIOUS issues to face with their spouse...most likely leading to an end marriage...crossing our fingers it works out that way (is that bad?!?)

* Roommates from HELL...I swear no other girls have been nearly this bad

*Professor decides not to help me out with missing work...have to go to Dean who clears it (thank the Lord)

*Get an eviction notice from my managers

*Have to meet with head of housing department and my managers

*Boyfriend drama!!! (to end or not to end...that is the question)

*Friends mom dies

*plans fell through and am stuck in Rexburg for Thanksgiving

*Dad cant come to Graduation

*Dad back in hopsital...rushed there via ambulance last night (Friday the 13th...go freakn figure)

*Get in a car accident...horrible bruise still on my leg and still hurts


* Relief Society President on my A$$ for never going...maybe if she wasnt so creepy and annoying we would actually go...HAHA

*Have I mentioned I am still sick!??

*Phone completely breaks day before I can upgrade for a new one...Verizon refuses to move my upgrade a day...therefore I am phoneless till Monday when it comes

Seriousy the list just keeps going! Its insane how horrible this month has been!!! I just want to pull my hair out, go to sleep, and wake up when everything is okay in my life again! Sadly, I dont think things will ever go back to the way they used to be!!! And if thats the case, LORD HELP ME!!!


  1. what the heck i swore i left you a comment and its not here! but it did say sorry you are having a bad month, and i hope you get feeling better and i will pray for your dad, i hope he gets better soon too, and you can totally come to our place for thanksgiving me and my family would love to have you!

  2. Thanks thats so nice...I dont want to intrude on you guys though!!!
