Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Things I am thankful for...

It's so sad to me that as a nation, we need a day set aside to remember what we are thankful for! I used to say I didnt need a holiday to remind me to show thanks, but lately, as life gets crazier and chaotic, I too, have fallen into the trap of using Thanksgiving as THE day to show my thanks. Oh least people know I am thankful for them right?!? Not only am I thankful for people, but I am thankful for THINGS! I have learned to appreciate the little things, technology, hot water, shoes, clothes, blankets, laughter, etc. This year I have also learned to appreciate and be thankful for trials--life is full of them so I figured might as well show appreciation for them and learn from them! Most importantly though, I am thankful for the following people in my lives!
First and foremost, I am thankful for these CRAZY, DYSFUNCTIONAL, INSANE people...

My family is so important to me...especially my sisters. I am thankful my family stands behind me 100% no matter what I do. They constantly tell me how much they love me and are proud of me. My sisters and I have the strongest most amazing bond! They are truly beautiful women who make my life so fun! My brothers (including the inlaws) are like my body guards! Whenever soemthing is wrong, they go up in full protection mode and will do anything to protect me! My nephews and niece are precious in everyway! I so so thankful I can watch them grow and learn to see the simple things in a new light--through their eyes! My family is pretty amazing...we are big and crazy and seriously so dysfunctional, but at least there is NEVER a dull moment in our lives!!!!

The next thing I am thankful for are Best Friends...
Tara is my rock! She helps me in sooo many different aspects. I have learned to appreciate the gospel and be a better person because of her. She has given me strength to overcome so many obstacles and trials in my life. She is always there to smack some sense into me when I am being stupid! She puts up with slowness! I am thankful we can find sooo much humor and joy in the LITTLE thing. Who would have thought playing a duet on the piano would be SOOOO funny?!? Or that sliding down the stairs would entertain us for so long?!?

Heather is my other Bestie who I am continually thankful for!!!

I would have NEVER made it through the college years without this bestie! Heather is the first person I text when something has gone wrong and I am so grateful she is always just a text away! I am glad we can go out to dinner and just talk for hours on end...until they start cleaning and telling us they are closing! We never have an awkward dull moment and I am so thankful for the example she is to me! I am glad I went to BYU-Idaho because I met Heather! I am so thankful that 4 1/2 years ago we decided to hang out and become besties! I know whenever I need ANYTHING Heather is just a phone call away and will do anything she can to help!!! I look forward to many more years of silliness together...including being in a nursing home causing chaos like we do so well! :)

Finally I am thankful for Friends/Roomies

These girls have been inspiration to me in so many ways! From being examples in word and deed to being some of the best partners in crime, I am so thankful for them! We have had a great year full of trips, adventures, tears, and laughs, and I have enjoyed every single one of them! My roomies have truly become some of my closest friends who make me laugh every single day! I am thankful for the jokes we share and our crazy stories! I love coming "home" and hearing about everyones adventures. Thank you girls for being there for me while my dad had his heart surgery, for being there through Ryan drama, and for being there to simply make me laugh and smile!!! I am going to miss you girls so much after graduation but I know we will be hanging out sooo much more outside of school!!!

Finally, I am thankful for all of you who are taking the time out of your day to read this! If I didnt mention you by name, I am sorry, but I hope you know you are special to me and have made an impact in my life in one way or another.

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