Saturday, June 26, 2010

San Fran Fun...

I love living in the central valley! One of my favorite things about the location, is just that--the location! I am lucky enough to live within an hour and a half of anything you could want! Snow, beach, mountains, hiking...whatever you want you will find in any direction! My favorite part of summer is being out of work and being able to go on roadtrips with my 2 bf's (best friend and boy friend...we will get to the boy friend part in a minute)! We just went and spent the entire day in San Fran and had so much fun! I have been the city so many times but I still had a list...and in fact, still have a list, of things I want to do there! We were able to compile a list of everything we did yesterday for free and the only thing we did end up paying for was the toll to go across the bridge! We brought our own picnic lunch and ate on the beach so we didnt even have to worry about food! We are just good like that! We were able to visit the Full House actual house (and the neighbor one which actually has the red doors now), go to the wave piano, go to fort point, and of course, finish with the beach! I had so much fun and am so glad that I had my 2 bf's there! OH yeah, and now to the boy part...haha. Best for last right?!? I started dating an amazing boy named Shaun...he is super sweet and caring and just really awesome! We enjoy each others company and share a lot of interests and goals! Something tells me he is a keeper! :)


  1. Steph! You better bring this boy to Idaho when you come visit so your idaho family can approve! I miss ya! Love ya too!

  2. Thank you so much for the honey idea! It worked like a charm! I love your blog by the way!

  3. You. Look. SO. Good! And how freaking adorable are those San Fran houses? I want to go there so bad!
