Thursday, December 16, 2010

"old habits die young"

What does that even mean?!? If the habit dies young, shouldnt that mean its easy to change? Yet, in our language, it means it takes FOREVER to change a behavior. I strongly dislike this saying. I dislike when people use it as an excuse for a bad behavior. I understand things cannot change overnight, but if you are TRYING and STRIVING to become a better person and to change the behavior, then you probably don't use this term. If you are trying then I don't care how long it takes, and I know there will be SHORT fall backs, but when someone does the ENTIRE behavior again, I am left to question if they are even trying...are they?!? I dunno...I am not perfect either, and for that reason, I understand peoples faults and weaknesses but man, trying to understand them and make sense of them stinks! Oh, and for the record, I still STRONGLY dislike that stinkin saying!!!

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